EMIF Group Announces Advisory Board Additions

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  • EMIF Group Announces Advisory Board Additions

EMIF Group Inc., an investment and advisory platform created to catalyze critical development by increasing the number of bankable sustainable infrastructure projects in emerging markets and developing economies to foster significant environmental, economic, and social impact, today announced two advisory board additions – Nazmeera Moola and Christel Bourbon-Séclet – who join long-standing member Noel Dekking.

We are incredibly grateful and fortunate to count all three individuals as part of EMIF Group’s advisory board. EMIF Group will leverage each of their unique skillsets and insights to guide our mission to develop and catalyze global infrastructure in non-traditional markets. -- John Safrance

Ms. Moola is the Chief Sustainability Officer at Ninety One, where she oversees their firm-wide initiatives including their commercial imperatives, investment integration, and inhabit and advocacy work. She has covered the macro-economy in South Africa and other emerging markets since 2000. She is passionate about making financial markets work to support development. Her remit has included the Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund, which provides debt financing for infrastructure projects across Africa.

I look forward to assisting EMIF Group in its efforts to mobilize investment into projects which positively influence environmental and social impact in the communities where the platform intervenes. EMIF’s efforts to bridge the infrastructure investment gap in EMDEs is a vital step to accelerate achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.” -- Nazmeera Moola

Mr. Dekking, a lawyer with a development background, has advised EMIF Group since 2019 and is currently the Energy Transition Manager for the leading private oil and gas company in Latin America, heading up a team responsible for the implementation of the company’s energy generation diversification strategy. His career has largely seen him responsible for the origination, development and structuring of renewable energy projects for international IPPs throughout Latin America, Asian and Africa.

Infrastructure development processes, especially those bogged down by bureaucratic procurement processes, often prove to be unachievable in the timeframe of municipal government appointments. Through its development investment funds, EMIF Group promises to add bandwidth and decongests the development process, efficiently putting in place studies, design, permitting, and deal structures, so that municipalities can achieve their infrastructure goals within their mandates. I am excited to lend both my practical and legal insights to EMIF’s fund group as it builds its presence throughout emerging markets. -- Noel Dekking

Ms. Bourbon-Séclet is currently seconded from the Agence Française de Développement group to C40 Cities in the role of Climate Leadership Group as Director, City Finance Programme. She is overseeing all of C40’s finance works and supports cities to access finance for the implementation of ambitious, inclusive and resilient climate actions. She joined AFD in 2008 and contributed to the financing of a large number of environmental and municipal projects in her capacity as Head of Proparco’s Mobility, Municipal and Environmental infrastructure division.

One of the greatest challenges of delivering green infrastructure projects is their preparation up to the financial and sustainability standards of financing institutions. Bankability criteria must be met very early on in the design and structuring process to ensure viable project execution and enhance access to suitable financing and hence avoid major deployment and operationalization delays. EMIF’s involvement from the outset ensures smooth development of complex projects meeting essential needs and involving numerous stakeholders both public and private, while meeting demanding requirements from international financing entities. I look forward to sharing my project finance strengths in the municipal space with EMIF’s team in their effort to attract greater quantities of foreign direct investment into critical infrastructure throughout the Global South. -- Christel Bourbon-Séclet